Team Diversity

Team Diversity

Before you start to set your diversity goals, we highly recommend to take some time to define the level of diversity you would like to push / promote

🔖 Contents on this page:

Overview of different diversity dimensions:

Key Challenges:

  • Challenge I: New Hires into key positions are predominately male
    • 64% of hires into lowest management are men
    • 70% among new hires for lower management are men, 74% for middle management, 79% for top management
    • Women make up only 32% of all management hires
  • Challenge II: Promotion rungs for women break early
    • With 47% women and 53% men, we almost have an equal distribution for promotions into lowest management
  • Challenge III: Window for career opportunities are decidedly smaller for women
    • 47% of promotions go to employees between 31 and 40 years
    • 40% of management hires go to the same age group


  • Salary and career inequality reinforce one another
  • Challenges:
    • Hierarchical or Vertical Gender segregation: Men are more likely to be in leadership/management positions
    • Occupational or Horizontal segregation: Societal norms and expectations about gender roles and work-family balance shape women’s occupational and career choices
    • Parenthood: Amplifies the overall income inequality between men and women
    • Gender Pension Gap: Wage inequality has long-lasting effects right down to retirement
  • Definition: “Differences among members’ attitudes, beliefs, and values. Information about these factors is communicated through verbal and non-verbal behaviour patterns and is only learned through extended, individualized interaction”
  • IPM Methodology:


Unconscious Biases:

  • Unconscious biases are shortcuts generated by our brain based on personal experiences, stories told by others, education / upbringing, media, impact of institutions, cultural imprint, other external influences
  • Confirmation Bias: We often interpret information in such a way that it meets our expectations.
  • Mini-me Effect: We judge people who are like us more positively.
  • Double Standard Bias: We perceive identical behaviour differently

🛠️ Suggested Tools:

  • Diversio helps companies to quantify experiences, uncover biases, identify solutions and track the process on D&I initiatives
  • Allie helps companies build an inclusive culture. The Slack bot helps orgs measure and improve DEI efforts through 📊 data and metrics, 📰 tips and content and 📣 anonymized feedback.
  • Equal Time helps teams to ensure equal speaking time in virtual meetings. This is important for ensuring diverse hires feel welcome. Ensuring equal speaking time also supports more fair promotion rates.