Updating investors may sound time-consuming and painful. However, having set up a suitable reporting process will be very valuable once it's set up. The two main results are: 1) Keeping your investor base active and engaged and 2) review and reflect on what has happened during the month.
Please find some helpful resources and best practices below.
As there is not only one way to set up an investor reporting, there can be different formats:
- E-Mail (written text)
- Notion
- Presentation
- Ledgy
Talk with your investors about which format they prefer. Most are fairly indifferent as long as they get alerted via email when new reports become available.
You can find a template for a written update (Mail / Notion / Ledgy) here:
Template - Investor ReportingCore Elements
- High- and lowlights of the reporting period: How’s it going? Any major things to note? Churn, Big wins, what’s working / not working?
- KPI dashboard
- b2venture required KPI's (needed for our internal fund reporting)
- Revenue
- Liquidity (cash) end of month
- # of FTEs
- Company specific KPIs that are tailored to your business model
- SaaS: MRR/ARR, # of seats, ACV
- Marketplace: GMV, avg. take rate
- ESG related KPIs
- Carbon footprint
- Employee turnover, NPS
- Plan / Outlook: What are you currently working on? Milestones?
- Help needed: any requests
- Attachments
- Monthly BWA
- KPI tracking sheet (budget vs. actuals)
Thoughts? Feedback? Something missing? Please let us know: damian.zaker@b2venture.vc