Team Culture

Team Culture

🔖 Contents on this page:

Culture building

One of the most important resources when building a company is your team. A good team culture is key to improve employee engagement, reduce turnover and interpersonal conflicts. Culture is created by people, not the objects placed around them. For example, putting a ping pong table in the office will not automatically create a good culture. Culture takes time to build. It’s not tangible.


For further information, please see Culture Management

Layer’s Open Culture Guide constitutes a great example on how to set up company culture guidelines and how to effectively communicate them.

🍽️ Lottery lunch

🗣️ Language tandem program

  • Leverage the diverse backgrounds of your team. This might be the ideal set-up to establish a tandem language program within your company
  • What is a language tandem?
    • A language tandem is a personal and flexible method to learn a language, which fits into any calendar and moreover is a lot of fun. All interested people sign up and indicate what language they speak, and what language they want to learn. The “pairs” are then matched based on these criteria.
    • How does it work?
      • There are a few rules for a well-functioning language tandem:
        • regular meetings (preferably once a week)
        • both languages are spoken during every meeting
        • time is divided up equally between the languages (e.g. half an hour German, half an hour Croatian)
        • in every phase just one of the languages is spoken
        • every person is a learner half the time and a mentor the other half of the time
        • correction of mistakes in a sensible way

👫 Regular team events